Julian’s Prayer
“God of your goodness, geve me theyselfe. For thou art inough to me, and I may aske nothing that is lesse that may be full worshippe to thee. And if I aske anything that is lesse, ever me wanteth. But only in thee I have all.”
(Julian’s Middle English)(P. 141 Ch. 5:31-34)
Julian of Norwich and the Spiritual Path (forthcoming)
I have been writing, teaching and speaking on Julian of Norwich for many years. Julian is an English Christian mystic who lived during the Middle Ages, experienced 16 visions during a near-death experience, and wrote two books about her visions. In fact, she was the first woman to write a book in English. I wrote my dissertation on Julian and am currently writing a book about Julian’s beliefs and practices.
I find Julian to be a wise, wonderful, deeply nourishing spiritual guide, but not for the typical reasons. Most people admire Julian because she is so positive, and she is! But she also struggled with her faith. For that reason, Julian grants us wonderful practices that we can use to bolster (or create) our own faith. For example, she instructs us how to seek our rest in Divine Love, which is God.
In my work, I can show you how to explore Julian and other mystics so that you can rest in Divine Love. Join me in my classes, or one-on-one teaching. I can help you find the rest you need.
Julian’s Prayer
“God of your goodness, geve me theyselfe. For thou art inough to me, and I may aske nothing that is lesse that may be full worshippe to thee. And if I aske anything that is lesse, ever me wanteth. But only in thee I have all.”
(Julian’s Middle English)(P. 141 Ch. 5:31-34)
I have been writing, teaching and speaking on Julian of Norwich for many years. Julian is an English Christian mystic who lived during the Middle Ages, experienced 16 visions during a near-death experience, and wrote two books about her visions. In fact, she was the first woman to write a book in English. I wrote my dissertation on Julian and am currently writing a book about Julian’s beliefs and practices.
I find Julian to be a wise, wonderful, deeply nourishing spiritual guide, but not for the typical reasons. Most people admire Julian because she is so positive, and she is! But she also struggled with her faith. For that reason, Julian grants us wonderful practices that we can use to bolster (or create) our own faith. For example, she instructs us how to seek our rest in Divine Love, which is God.
In my work, I can show you how to explore Julian and other mystics so that you can rest in Divine Love. Join me in my classes, or one-on-one teaching. I can help you find the rest you need.
Julian of Norwich and the Spiritual Path (forthcoming)