In a very real way, both through my life experiences and what I have learned from the Mystics, I know that we all have our source in Divine Love. In fact, I believe that we live and move and have our being in it. In other words, God is love and we are one as integral parts of that love. Of course, we can experience love through our five senses. The touch of our beloved’s hand, the voice of our child or grandchild, the sight of a beloved animal companion, a sweet spring breeze brushing against our skin, the taste of our favorite food, all these can help us experience love. But there are also people who have experienced Divine Love in a manner that goes beyond our five senses. These are the mystics. You might be one of them. Mystics experience Divine Love through supernatural encounters. These encounters go beyond ordinary life here on Earth.
After my own series of mystical experiences, I discovered the Mystics and have studied and taught on them for many years now. In the mystics’ writing, I have found both Ah-ha moments where I recognize myself, and a profound understanding that ties me to the Source of Divine Love. On this site, I hope to share my work and experience with you so that you, too, can deepen into your own oneness with Divine Love.
I also love teaching on Contemplative Prayer Practices and other practices. When we practice in an embodied way, I believe we draw closer to our higher selves, which are embedded in Divine Love. I also believe that studying the mystics and their practices can transform you in a fundamental way. If you would like to find your own place of transformation, please consider taking a class from me, or working with me one on one.